The Little Philosophers

Texts by Sophie Furlaud

Illustrations in comic strip for the Pomme d’Api magazine (2 or 3 pages by month)

Starting from 3 years old, children spontaneously raise universal questions.

“If we make mistakes, does it mean we are stupid?” It is important to encourage these interrogations as they foster a curiosity crucial to their future ability to understand. But how can they go from elusive questions to a more elaborate reflection?

Since 2006, the section “Les p’tits philos” in the Pomme d’Api magazine has aimed at paving the way for children and parents. Various questions are presented through a comic strip staging Chonchon, Mina, Raoul and Plume, four animals with human traits.

Release date: A monthly episode since September 2006
Publishing House: Bayard Presse
For 3 to 7 years old