Dogs, cats (including killer ones), pink elephants, little bears, carnivorous lions, voracious handbags, super-heroic corkscrews, amourous plastic gloves … what kind of a zany list is this? Authors for children excel in humour and facetiousness in order to tickle the young ones and amuse them with rimes and words. A medley of authors for children are gathered in the exhibition in order to introduce visitors to their playful universes.

Little Bear and Pomelo, the endearing heroes by Benjamin Chaud, will be there (Pompon Ours dans les bois, Hélium, 2017; Pomelo grandit, Albin Michel Jeunesse, 2017). Véronique Deiss presents her watercolours for the famous Killer Cat series (Chat assassin, 3 volumes published by Rue de Sèvres, 2014, 2015, 2017), while Bruno Gibert tells us 45 truths about cats (45 vérités sur les chats, Albin Michel, 2017). The Toutous by Dorothée de Monfreid will also join in and get ready for a tea party on the moon (Le goûter sur la lune, L’école des loisirs, 2017), where they might run into the irresistible Surprise Heroes (Héros surprises) of Gilbert Legrand (Sarbacane, 2017). Thanks to the baddies, the real world is full of unexpected events under the pen of André Bouchard (L’Abominable sac à main, Seuil Jeunesse, 2013; Les Lions ne mangent pas de croquettes, Seuil Jeunesse, 2016; Une si charmante verrue sur le nez, Seuil Jeunesse, 2017). Tendernes rules in the soft colours of Gilles Bachelet, who tells us a love story, Une histoire d’amour (Seuil Jeunesse, 2017), with surprising heroes. Will they dance a waltz with the strange ceramics of Nathalie Choux, in La valse de Noël by Boris Vian (Grasset Jeunesse, 2017), or fall down a hole (Le trou, La Joie de Lire, 2013), a funny and unpredictable book by the Norwegian Øyvind Torseter who is also happy to start hunting trolls when the occasion presents itself (Tête de mule, La Joie de Lire, 2016). Torseter’s presence at the Festival was made possible thanks to NORLA.

You will find out all about these creatures when visiting this joyful and playful exhibition presenting more than a hundred original drawings.

Rimes and droll accidents. When humour reinvents children literature

Étonnants voyageurs Festival

Palais du Grand Large, salle Bouvet
May 19-21, 2018